Stéphanie David

Production and tour manager

Home / Stéphanie David

Funk takes over the Rennes, Octo­ber 2019. Attrac­ted by the over­ly fun­ky music, Sté­pha­nie took a detour and came upon a cos­tu­med crowd dan­cing in the foots­teps of the Bal Du Tout Monde. Big slap ! Invol­ved for many years in artis­tic expres­sion and cultu­ral pro­jects, she didn’t hesi­tate to make a new career move and return to her old love : live per­for­mance.

Capable of win­ding pro­long as well as mani­pu­la­ting Excel, Sté­pha­nie thought she could put her eclec­tic skills to good use in pre­sen­ting live shows… She joi­ned the Engrenage[s] team on1st March 2020 and is still lau­ghing about it « Only I would change jobs just before a confi­ne­ment, and to go towards culture no less ! » Can­cel­la­tions, post­po­ne­ments, can­cel­la­tions, hopes and des­pairs… But the pearls « dis­co­ve­ring, at last, a show I’ve sold and tel­ling myself that yes, of course I’m going on ! » and the spark­ling eyes of spec­ta­tors keep her going.

A mul­ti­po­ten­tial hol­der of diplo­mas in com­merce (BTS), agro­bio­lo­gy (CS), coor­di­na­tion of cultu­ral pro­jects (Licence pro) and inte­gra­tion through French lan­guage tea­ching (DU + M1&2), Sté­pha­nie is able to move from cate­ring to tea­ching, with detours through bee­kee­ping, events, coor­di­na­tion of a cultu­ral asso­cia­tion, orga­ni­za­tion of a fes­ti­val and today the pro­duc­tion and broad­cas­ting of live shows.

Its mis­sions :

- To make the eyes of young and old, inclu­ding her own, shine ;

- Drea­ming pro­jects AND living them.
